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Jamy's World

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"Jamy's World" is aired four times a year at prime time on France 3 and boasts around 4 million viewers.
Extremely popular with French audiences, Jamy Gourmaud made science accessible to all with the cult programme “C’est pas sorcier” (It’s not rocket science). Today, he travels all over the world with journalist Églantiné Éméyé to demystify the world around us: climate change, food, road safety, air traffic, animal intelligence…even fireworks and roller coasters! Filled with funny, lively experiences, explanatory 3D images and breathtaking landscapes, “Jamy’s World” is the go-to, popular science show.
Summary of the next episode:
They come in all shapes and sizes. They can be wild or domesticated. We have loved and lived with them forever. But who are they really? What happens when they are born? How should we behave in front of them? These are some of the questions we will ask to find out more about how our pets start out in life and about their development. Eglantine Emeyé and Jamy Gourmand follow Nouba, a West Highland Terrier, and Napoli the Nebelung kitten, for the first three months of their lives, from their birth to their adoption.
since its creation
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